Thanks for Glowing with Us

Driving with your Amp is the fastest way for passengers to find you. That’s why this past holiday season, drivers all over the country won cash for giving Amp rides. We gave away $1000 to three drivers in 15 participating cities for three weeks straight. Then, we upped the ante in the new year and one lucky winner got $25,000 (congratulations, Mark!). That’s a total of 136 drivers who won a total of $160,000.

A huge thanks to each of you for creating a better passenger experience by driving with your Amp. As a reminder, here’s how Amp helps you succeed on the road:

  • Faster pickups: Passengers look for the Amp. It changes colors to match their app, so they can quickly find your car.

  • Happier passengers: Amp helps them feel reassured they’re in the right car. Plus, you can expect higher tips and ratings.

  • A stress-free set-up: It’s easy to install and can be quickly removed when you’re not driving (and it won’t leave a trace on your dashboard).

If you need help with Amp, stop by your local Hub for in-person help or reach out 24/7 in the Lyft Driver App. And if you’d like to get one, visit the Amp tab in your app to see if you’re eligible.  

Happy glowing!

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