ZF Acquires Automotive Division of Romanian Engineering Services Provider BeeSpeed in Timisoara

“BeeSpeed is a long-term and reliable partner,” says Manfred Meyer, Head of Engineering in the Active Safety, Braking Systems, and Steering Systems Business Unit at ZF. “By acquiring this company, we will have permanently secured the expertise of BeeSpeed’s roughly 110 engineers who work for us as part of BeeSpeed’s automotive division while offering them outstanding perspectives as part of the ZF Group.” With this acquisition, ZF is better positioning itself as a systems supplier, not only in terms of software, system testing, and IT, but also with mechanical systems. “This also enables us to further expand our expertise in intelligent mechanical systems as well as our location in Timisoara,” emphasizes Meyer.

The separation of the automotive division from BeeSpeed and its incorporation into the ZF Group as the subsidiary company BeeSpeed Technical Engineering S.R.L. became legally effective on January 1, 2019. Dr. Scridon Sever, Head of the Automotive Division and co-shareholder of BeeSpeed, will continue to head up the engineering team in the future. “We are delighted to have the opportunity to continue growing and to offer attractive employment opportunities as part of an international automotive supplier,” comments Sever. “Graduates and young engineers also view working at BeeSpeed as an attractive prospect – thanks to our close connections with the Polytechnic University, we were able to add around 40 engineers to take the number of people in our team up to more than 110 by the end of last year, and we expect to double that number to over 230 by 2020.”

BeeSpeed was founded in 1994. In addition to its automotive division, its second mainstay is the automation sector with a focus on water treatment. BeeSpeed will continue to manage this division independently.

ZF in Romania

ZF Friedrichshafen AG has a total of 4,000 employees at six locations in Romania. In 2017, sales came to roughly EUR 130 million.

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