Fiom criticizes Manley: “FCA exploits the problem of the ecobonus, which must be rethought anyway”

“The ecobonus has to be rethought, but the company uses it to hide the enormous delay accumulated compared to other manufacturers on hybrid or electric engines”. And again: “The investment plan was already insufficient in its original formulation”.

Fiom Cgil uses the scalpel to affect a situation that, as regards FCA and in particular Turin and Grugliasco (the so-called Polo del lusso), is more and more like a wound that struggles to heal itself. The announcement arrived yesterday from Detroit, for the voice of the Fiat Chrysler CEO Mike Manley, only adds to regrets. As underlined by the provincial secretary of the metalworkers Cgil, Edi Lazzi: “If the business plan were to be revised downwards and without any guarantee for workers, the Fiom-Cgil will decide the initiatives necessary to demonstrate their dissent: the ecobonus, which anyway should be rethought, it is used instrumentally by the company to conceal the huge delay that has accumulated compared to other manufacturers on hybrid and electric engines.This is why it is necessary to have a solid business plan, which accelerate the exit times of new models with new engines capable of being ready to attack the market, more investments are needed, many more than what FCA intends to spend “.

And to complete the analysis of a picture that seems anything but reassuring, Ugo Bolognesi, head of Mirafiori for FIOM-CGIL, reiterates that “in Turin we are at the disaster announced, the plants of Mirafiori and Maserati of Grugliasco are stops and all the Mirafiori sectors are making redundancy, also the companies of the industries are starting to have problems, threatening that the plan could be revised downwards makes us think that we are thinking of disengaging from Italy by using an event that Industrialization has nothing to do with. Now the Government is doing its part, calling a table with the property and the trade unions because we are coming to a critical point that could question the permanence of the automotive sector in our country. “

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