FCA in decline, Costanzo (M5S): “Blame for wrong business choices, do not download the cople on the Government’s ecobonus”

The CEO of FCA Manley has announced plans to rethink investments in Italy. The Fin Cisl provincial secretary Claudio Chiarle attacks the government by saying that he favors work abroad, putting FCA’s Italian workers at risk. The Piedmontese M5S deputy in the Labor Commission, Jessica Costanzo, responds to the allegations made to the Government: “The mistakes made by the company are downloaded to the government and it is strange to see that even to attack us, some trade unionists join the FCA leadership”.

“We quote some data confirming what I say – explains Costanzo – in order to understand the real reasons for the decline in FCA. FCA was down 10.37% compared to 2017 (502 thousand registrations in 2018 compared to 560 thousand in 2017), partly due to the aging of part of the product range. A mixture of ingredients that has produced an inevitable result and that has little to do with government policies: the 6.8% decline in the production of FCA Italian factories. If we consider only cars and not commercial vehicles, then, the collapse is 10.2%. We recall, to photograph the situation, also the end of the manufacture of the Punto (gone out of production last July) and the disposal of the Alfa Romeo MiTo which, in terms of volumes, have further worsened the picture. The postponement of some investments in 2017 and the delay in launching new products had a negative impact on the goal of full employment, which was not achieved.

It should be added that the procedure of collective redundancies at Mirafiori and Maserati was formalized. The production at the Maserati in Grugliasco, stopped before Christmas, will start again only on 21st January with a week of delay compared to what was expected in December by the leaders of the Italian-American group. Forced extension of the “vacation” for the workers of the Maserati and Carrozzeria factories, stopped for a month and will therefore be subjected to the usual solidarity contracts. Also for Fiat Chrysler Automobiles employees of the Mirafiori plant a triple stop is expected for production. In February, 6,000 and 529 workers, 791 workers and 5738 employees and managers will have to stand still on the 8th, 15th and 22nd of the month. The feeling of crisis for the Turin bodyworks and the difficulties of the Maserati of Grugliasco seem determined also by the absence of an adequate industrial plan, which foresees new projects and effective investments. It should also be noted that the production of the new Alfa Romeo SUV, which will be produced at Torino Mirafiori, is not part of the industrial plan just launched (production will have to wait until the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023). “

Regarding the ecobonus that FCA contests as the main cause of the downturn, the deputy 5 Stars explains: “In the face of all these elements is at least singular that today the tops of FCA only impute the introduction, however correct, of the norm on emissions , a possible need to revise the industrial plan itself. It should in fact be considered that the new EU rules require all car manufacturers to reduce carbon emissions by 37.5% between 2021 and 2030. Starting from this element, car manufacturers would have had to field full reviews of their own production plans, setting up systems for the reconversion of plants that impact the least possible on workers. The substance is that FCA is lagging behind its competitors and is without models with hybrid or electric engines on the market “concludes Costanzo.

Daniela Ruffino, parliamentarian from Forza Italia, also spoke on the subject: “The incompetence and approximation with which this government sets industrial policies is unfortunately producing the first dramatic effects.” The words of Mike Manley, CEO of FCA, This is a dramatic testimony: in front of such an important company that announces the desire to revisit a substantial investment plan, a serious and responsible government would have already intervened and opened a channel of dialogue. “Di Maio is instead too busy in the electoral campaign for take care of the prospects of thousands of FCA workers and of its induced in Italy “.

“We must not forget – concludes Ruffino – that among the causes that have caused this decision – adds the deputy blue – there is certainly the ecotax: an incredible and anachronistic balzello thought to make cash and finance the electoral measures of assistance. responsible for the future of 200 thousand workers and who does not want to renounce a private investment plan of 5 billion euro, does not spend time joking with taxes on a sector that is decisive for our industry.A intervention, albeit late, is now essential”.

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