Start the New Year Right with Lyft

How are you planning on changing things up this year? Whether it’s getting fit, traveling more, or taking better care of your mental well-being, many of us kicked off 2019 with a list of resolutions that by mid-February will have largely fallen by the wayside. Even with the best intentions, life can get in the way and derail our plans (and enthusiasm levels) before we know it. But here’s the good news — we’re here to help! Check out some of the ways using Lyft can make it a little easier to keep your resolutions on track.

Resolution: More time with friends

Planning on hanging out with your friends a lot more this year? Whether you’re catching up over coffee or headed to a favorite restaurant, ditch the car and get there with Lyft.

Resolution: Hit the gym

If you need a little extra motivation to get to the gym more often, plug your gym and home address into the app, and get there (and back) with us. Grab your exercise gear, request a ride, and you’ll be working out before you know it.

Resolution: Get to work a little earlier

Want to increase your productivity this year? Schedule an early morning ride to work. Beat the rush hour, blast through some emails — and get props from your boss. Plus, less busy times can mean cheaper rides.

Resolution: Go green(er)

Collectively, small actions can affect real change. All Lyft rides are carbon neutral, so you can feel good about reducing your carbon footprint. Plus, if you opt for a Shared ride, it’s even better for the environment — and your wallet.

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