Ecotax car, clash in the Red Room between Pd and M5S on Fca

Clash in the Red Hall between the center and M5S on the ecobonus for cars. The center left this morning filed a motion – signed by the group leaders of the Pd Stefano Lo Russo, the Civic list for Turin Francesco Tresso and the Moderates Silvio Magliano, who asks “Appendino as mayor of Turin to intervene on the Government for the withdrawal of this measure “A provision, they add,” which calls into question the industrial plan of FCA which forecasts for 2019-2021 new investments for 5 billion euros in Italy “.

According to the forecasts of the trade unions with the eco-tax will be heavily penalized models of Fiat made in our country and judged more polluting, most of which Mirafiori and Grugliasco The request of the center then is that Appendino ask the withdrawal of the measure on the most polluting cars to the “protection of Turin, its industry and its jobs.”

A position opposed to that of the councilor of M5S Aldo Curatella, according to which “FCA should do a little ‘healthy self-criticism” and “change pace” because it has a range of hybrid cars and electric “now old, as well as limited.”

For Curatella Fiat “to try to excel and rebuild the company in Italy to safeguard jobs” should “increase the amount of investments in electric vehicles” and “start a revamping plan of vehicles in circulation ( also of competitor companies) replacing endothermic engine with electric motor. “

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