FCA’s one-time shift: “Another sacrifice for the workers, but it is the signal of the reorganization towards the 500E”

“The contraction of timetables on a single shift at Mirafiori is a further sacrifice in terms of wages for workers, but it is also a sign of the confirmation of the reorganization path that FCA is undertaking in order to implement the Industrial Plan and the departure of the 500E”.

Also Fim-Cisl joins the comments after the news emerged in the Turin area regarding the decisions of the Lingotto on the Turin and Grugliasco factories. But the reading, also in this case, is confirmed different from that of Fiom Cgil, which instead directly involved the company of the new to Mike Manley. “In Agap and Mirafiori we pay the nefarious policies of the Government on Ecotaxes (the Premium models already pay the premium) as regards the Italian market and the policies of tariffs, trade wars and stagnation at the global level. Above all, Maserati’s two main markets are still, like the US, and the Chinese one decreases by 4.2%, “says Claudio Chiarle, provincial secretary of Cisl metalworkers.

“The important EU funding for the transition to electric motorization and the consequent choices of FCA lead us to say that the Business Plan can only go forward, it is the only way to guarantee employment in Italy and in Turin; for this reason we ask with determination the realization of the announced investments. The government does not obstruct this path, but revises its industrial policy in a constructive and sustainable manner by eliminating the ecobonus / ecotax “.

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