Price increases: VW to small cars with electric drive – “The current price level is unstoppable”

Volkswagen e-up

“We have the clear goal of making electromobility accessible to a broad section of the population, which means making it affordable.” (VW Supervisory Board Chairman Hans Dieter Pötsch)

(Photo: AP)

BerlinWith the switch to electric cars also threatens VW an end to the low-income “affordable” Volkswagen. The pointed supervisory board boss Hans Dieter Pötsch in conversation with the newspaper “Welt am Sonntag”. According to him, low-income people are likely to face the question of whether they can afford a car in the future. “That could become an issue,” said Pötsch.

“We have the clear goal of making electromobility accessible to a broad section of the population, that is to make it affordable.” This would certainly be difficult for entry-level vehicles. “The current price level can not be maintained if these cars are equipped with electric motors,” said Pötsch. “Therefore, it will inevitably lead to significant price increases in the small car segment.”

The VW supervisory board chairman referred to the consequences stricter CO2 limits for new cars in the EU. In December, the EU institutions stated that CO2 emissions from new cars should fall by 37.5 percent by 2030. “In our case, the specifications from Brussels account for about a share 40 percent e-vehicles from 2030“Explained Pötsch.

The question arises as to whether all socially relevant aspects have been adequately taken into account when determining the emission values. “The European Commission had pointed this development early,” said Pötsch. “Unfortunately, the European Parliament and the EU Council have not addressed this social issue of individual mobility.”

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