Dialog with researchers into the future at Audi about digitization, dilemmas and diversity

Audi is to launch a new annual series of public lectures under the heading “Science in Dialogue” on Tuesday, January 29. A total of twelve theme evenings will focus on the most diverse facets of rapid global change. International scientists will provide insights into their research, highlighting both social and technological aspects. Admission is free of charge.

“Science in Dialog” is an event format which, in addition to informative lectures, aims to foster a personal dialog between participants and speakers. The program for the year 2019 offers a wide range of topics, including controversial ones such as questions of ethical responsibility associated with the use of artificial intelligence. Interested persons can also learn more about the city of the future, alternative drive systems and the potential of blockchain technologies. The drivers of digitalization and its impact on our everyday lives will also be examined. The scientists will also share their thoughts and theses on international environmental policy, diversity management and the mindfulness trend. Altogether, academics from eleven European universities will be guests at Audi.

“Transformation has many different facets and presents us all with major challenges,” said Wendelin Göbel, Member of the Board of Management for Human Resources and Organization at AUDI AG. “This is why the diversity of topics at ‘Science in Dialog’ is greater than ever. Together with people from the region, we look forward to insights that surprise and inspire, as well as to discussions that enrich us and remain in our memories.”

Audi established the “Science in Dialog” series two years ago as the successor to the “Audi Colloquium.” The company will soon reach the 30,000 visitor mark for the scientific events it has been offering since 2004. The new annual program is now available in digital form at https://www.audi.com/en/company/research/research-partnerships/lecture-series.html

The lectures will start at 5 pm at the Audi Conference Center on Ettinger Strasse in Ingolstadt and at the Audi Forum in Neckarsulm. Participation is free of charge. Please register per E-mail at wissenschaftskooperationen@audi.de.

Note to the editors:
We request publication of the dates and look forward to reporting about the program.

Press contacts:
Ingolstadt: Michaela Schnellhardt, phone 0841 89 34009
Neckarsulm: Claudia Maria Rülke, phone 07132 31 79546

The following lectures will be held at the Audi Conference Center in Ingolstadt:

January 29, 2019
The Art and Science of Mindfulness in Business: Productivity, Teamwork and Creativity
Prof. Dr. Shashi Matta
Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt

February 19, 2019
Blockchain Technology: Basics, Application Examples and Recommendations for Use
Prof. Wolfgang Prinz, PhD
RWTH Aachen University

March 19, 2019
May Machines Kill? The Dilemma with Automated Driving
Prof. Dr. Dr. Eric Hilgendorf
Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg

April 9, 2019
Turbulent Times: Is Politics Becoming Unpredictable?
Prof. Dr. Klaus H. Goetz
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich

May 7, 2019
Privacy in a Digitalized World?
Prof. Jens Grossklags, PhD
Technical University of Munich

July 16, 2019
Contracting 4.0: How Supplier Relationships Are Changing as a Result of Digitization
Prof. Dr. Michael Eßig
Bundeswehr University of Munich

October 15, 2019
The Digital Transformation: Who is Actually Doing It?
Prof. Dr. Sabine Pfeiffer
Friedrich Alexander University of Erlangen-Nürnberg

December 10, 2019
Diversity as a Treasure Chest: New Challenges and Opportunities for Executives
Prof. Dr. Gudrun Sander
University of St. Gallen

The following lectures will be held at the Audi Forum in Neckarsulm:

February 28, 2019
Drive+: The Diversity of the Mobile Future
Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bremer
University of Kassel

June 6, 2019
Fast, Easy and Free: Digital Quality from the Customer’s Perspective
Prof. Dr. Matthias Gouthier
University of Koblenz-Landau

September 19, 2019
How Do Clean Drive Systems and Renewable Power Generation Fit Together?
Prof. Dr. Detlef Stolten
RWTH Aachen University

November 19, 2019
Climate Protection and the Paris Agreement: A Global Comparison
Prof. Dr. Miranda Schreurs
Technical University of Munich 

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