The car’s climate control system, the most valuable element for the buyers, according to

Published 1/28/2019 11:26:17 PM


The car’s climate control system is the most valuable item for buyers of a vehicle (75%), followed by emergency braking (35%), parking sensors (34%) and cruise control (32%) , according to the study of the process of purchase of a vehicle and after-sales service 2018 carried out by

At the other end of the list, the least valued extras are the virtual personal driving assistant (9%), autonomous driving in traffic jams (10%), the recognition and warning of traffic signals (11%) and WiFi ( eleven%).

The study also reflects that the importance of these elements of equipment is the same in both new vehicles and second-hand vehicles.

Automobiles are increasingly equipped, especially in the case of new cars, whose average of extra elements has gone from 5.5 in 2017 to 7.3 in 2018. In this sense, the study shows that the number of Additional elements available today a car exceeds the relevance that the user gives to them.

Elements such as the navigator, the rear camera, the recognition of traffic signals or the systems to project the mobile in the multimedia equipment of the car, are extras that have many new cars but that, however, the buyer does not value as significantly as other .

As for second-hand vehicles, the average of extras has also gone up, although to a lesser extent: if in 2017 the average was placed in a 3, in 2018 it has gone up half a point, to 3.5.

“When it comes to making the decision to buy a car, although it is true that the extras of equipment available to the vehicle do not decide the final purchase, they do charge a special relevance.” It is also true that the differences between buyers of new vehicles and second-hand vehicles in this aspect are minimal since they look for the same thing: the maximum possible benefits, mainly in security “, pointed the person in charge of institutional Marketing of, Marcel Blanes.

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