Alternative concept to Segula Deal: IG Metall is vehemently opposed to Opel part sales

IG Metall is against an Opel part sale

MunichIn January a few did OpelEmployees on their way to get to know that company better, to which the management of the Hessian car manufacturer Wants to outsource 2000 of 7000 engineers, At the headquarters of Segula Technologies in Rüsselsheim arrived, many were unpleasantly surprised: They found a mailbox, but not even a bell.

The French development service provider is a surprise bag for her. Although Segula is campaigning for the favor of the Opelans with lofty plans, many people are still uncertain about what to expect in the event of a transfer of business.

In the second quarter – this is how the managers of Segula and Opel -, the deal should come to a conclusion. The managing directors are trading.

The main goal of the deal with Segula was to ensure the sustainable development of future “overcapacity” jobs in Rüsselsheim, “said an Opel spokesman. And further: “Segula clearly showed the most comprehensive perspectives. The recognition of protection against dismissal by 2023 Segula wants to take over. This is particularly significant in times when competitors have highlighted the risk of significant job cuts in Germany. “

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The IG metal but now vehemently opposes the transaction. Opel trade unionists at Opel consider the partial sale of the ITEZ development center “not necessary”. In a two-page “thesis paper”, which is the Handelsblatt, they rant against the deal.

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“Nobody in the market has been waiting for Segula,” says the transcript, which was sent to parts of the workforce. The market entry barriers for new development service providers in Germany be “high”. Segula is largely unknown in this country and rather have “the character of a start-up”. The shop stewards also doubt the financial strength of the family business from Nanterre near Paris. For a successful market entry relevant unique selling points such as engineering expertise or customer access are “not recognizable” at Segula.

The Opelaner would have to expect in a change to Segula with lower fees and a “deterioration” of working conditions, write the IG metal Stewards. Should Segula fail to enter the market in Germany despite start-up financing and orders from Opel, the jobs of the 2000 engineers would be “massively endangered”.

In addition, the proposed partial sale would also bring significant risks for Opel itself, argue the trade unionists. Access to engine test stands and crash systems would be lost, for example. “Opel would be dependent on third parties“, It says in the thesis paper.

In conclusion, the trade unionists note that the announced partial sale of the Opel development center ITEZ is unnecessary. “Work is enough there”. The Opel management around managing director Michael Lohscheller argues however, that due to wegbrechender orders of the ex-owner General Motors (GM) massive overcapacity in the coming years arise. You have to take countermeasures, the deal with Segula is the best option.

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The IG Metall representatives, however, reject the deal with the French closed. The trade unionists are instead promoting an alternative concept. “Workload analyzes” of the advisors of the works council would show that there is no underutilization in the ITEZ. Early retirement, voluntary severance packages and the termination of 40-hour contracts have already sufficiently cleared the ground GMOrders responds.

In the Powertrain (powertrains) area, according to IG Metall, “manageable personnel overhangs” would be created at Opel. These overhangs could, however, be compensated by partial retirement, senior leave programs or retraining.

If the Opel parent company PSA (Peugeot, Citroën) its commitments that the ITEZ will be equipped with 15 centers of excellence that could create platforms for light commercial vehicles for the group and develop all Opel models, then at least until 2021 “sufficient work available “.

The IG Metall fears that the deal with Segula as a “water heater” could serve to “relocate development skills in low-wage countries,” it says in the thesis paper. The trade unionists therefore call on Opel management to enter into negotiations with the works council on “its alternative concept”.

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