Statement on pension policy proposals,                    IG Metall welcomes the pension policy proposals of Federal Labor Minister Hubertus Heil

The proposals of the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs for the introduction of a basic pension for long-term insured persons and an allowance for the statutory pension in basic security are supported by IG Metall. “This is a response to the social scandal that decades of performance does not lead to pensions over the basic security.” These proposals are a real step against growing old-age poverty, “said the first chairman of IG Metall Jörg Hofmann the proposals now submitted. “However, there is still a sprawling low-pay sector with precarious employment for millions of people, which is a key cause of old-age poverty and needs urgent action.”

“With the basic pension, Hubertus Heil addresses our long-standing demand for a new pension according to minimum income points in order to prevent workers with low pay and interruption time from ending up in basic security.” It is important that this reassessment of the pension trend also applies to existing pensions “, said managing director Hans-Jürgen Urban, responsible for social policy.

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