Volkswagen: VW subsidiary Audi with falling car sales in January


The car maker is struggling with a sinking heel.

(Photo: AP)

IngolstadtThe sales weakness Audi has continued in January. Especially because of a new test standard for the European market, car sales declined VWSubsidiary compared to the same month last year worldwide back by three percent, on last 144,650 vehicles, as the manufacturer announced on Friday.

On the home continent alone, Ingolstadt handed over 8.5 percent fewer cars than the year before. Many vehicles can not be delivered due to the conversion to the new WLTP exhaust test standard.

Sales in the USA also fell slightly by 1.8 percent, “The government shutdown and the winter weather conditions had an effect here,” shared Audi With. In China, however, the Ingolstadt reported by its own account the best January result of all time: 64,000 cars were sold there in the first month of this year – 5.1 percent more than in January 2018.

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