02/2019,                    IG Metall calls for an appropriate offer following successful warning strikes in the textile and clothing industry

Since February 1, over 8,400 warning strikers from more than 90 companies in the Northwest German textile and clothing industry
IG Metall demands appropriate offer in next collective bargaining
3. Collective bargaining takes place on February 12 in Bielefeld

Frankfurt am Main – According to IG Metall, more than 8,400 employees from more than 90 companies have participated in the warning strikes in the West German textile and clothing industry since the end of the peace obligation (January 31, 2019). With a view to the third collective bargaining on Tuesday, 12 February 2019, the union is asking employers to make an appropriate offer. “It’s up to employers to see if the conflict escalates further or whether we can reach a collective bargaining rate next week.” The warning strikes of the past few days have clearly shown that employees are serious and can not be discounted with austerity measures. ” said IG Metall negotiator Manfred Menningen in Frankfurt on Friday.

The IG Metall demands for the employees of the West German textile and clothing industry an increase of the fees and training remuneration of 5.5 per cent as well as improvements in the partial retirement. In addition to a reasonable increase in remuneration, employees should be given the option of being able to take additional days off instead of income increases. Employers have so far offered 3.4 percent more income over a period of 28 months. So far, they have rejected an improvement in the partial retirement scheme and more working time sovereignty for employees.

“If employers do not move, we will increase the pressure on companies with further warning strikes,” Menningen announced. “The employees of the textile branches do not want to be separated from the general wage development.” The third collective bargaining for the approximately 100,000 employees of the West German textile industry will take place on February 12 in Bielefeld.

Note for editors:

The third collective bargaining starts on Tuesday, February 12, 2019, at 1 pm in the Légère Hotel, Neumarkt 2, in Bielefeld. Already at 11 o’clock employees from the surrounding textile enterprises gather in front of the IG Metall office Bielefeld, market street 8, to a demonstration. At the closing rally in front of the bar, Manfred Menningen, IG Metall negotiator, will speak to the participants around 12 o’clock.

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