Continental Signs Strategic Cooperation Agreement with the University of Debrecen

  • Continental provides practical training valuable in the labour market and subsequent job opportunities for graduate students
  • With its educational, research and other related professional activities Continental supports the University of Debrecen to create value together in the region
  • The agreement was signed on the behalf of the University of Debrecen by Dr. Zoltán Szilvássy, Rector, and on the behalf of Continental Lukas Juranek, Managing Director, on the 8th of February at the University of Debrecen

February 11, 2019, Debrecen, Hungary – According to the ceremonially signed agreement the Debrecen plant of Continental Powertrain Hungary Kft. is set to join the courses of the University of Debrecen from the 2019/2020 academic year, which means that students will be able to study Continental-specific educational modules on the faculties of electrical engineering, mechatronics engineering, mechanical engineering and plastic engineering.

Continental technology company organizes internships and provides practical training for the students of the University of Debrecen, and offers job opportunities to selected students. The company also supports the university students through further training programs and graduate applications, and cooperates with adult education programs as well.

The company shares the University of Debrecen’s initiative to increase the rank and appeal of the engineering profession and therefore contributes to the promotion of the relevant faculties. Continental has also offered to provide the students participation in research and development projects, supporting the training of talents set to shape the future. In order to promote science and educational plans and share knowledge, study tours and visits will be organized within the Continental company group for the students and professors of the university. 

Prof. Dr. Zoltán Szilvássy, Rector of the University of Debrecen and Lukas Juranek Managing Director of Continental Debrecen (left) © Continental AG

László Palkovics, Government Commissioner for Vehicle Development, expressed his satisfaction with the signing, welcoming the fact that the companies in the region are striving for a link with the university’s knowledge base. He added that the joint training and R&D collaborations with the university underpin the development of the region’s automotive ecosystem, and push forward the evolution and operation of companies in the right direction, while the students taking part in company programs are offered practical knowledge and career opportunities they can leverage in the future.

On the behalf of the university Dr. Zoltán Szilvássy, Rector of the University of Debrecen, and on the behalf of Continental Lukas Juranek, Managing Director, Continental Debrecen signed the agreement. “The goal of our company is to play an active part of the city’s development and to contribute to a sustainable and valuable outlook. Education and learning, as key elements of any kind of development, are priority areas, therefore we would like to work together in this regard with Debrecen and the educational institutions of the city. With this role, Continental brings new knowledge and innovation to Hungary, which improves the country’s competitiveness.” – said Lukas Juranek, Managing Director of Continental’s Debrecen location.

Lukas Juranek Managing Director of Continental Debrecen © Continental AG

„More and more technical companies using advanced technology have appeared in Debrecen and the region in recent years. The labor market demands occurring in the area necessitated the development of the university’s technical and IT training. To this end the institution established the Technical and Information Technology Cabinet with the cooperation of former under-secretary and current minister László Palkovics, the first and only vehicle science academician in Hungary. Our goal is to support research and development in addition to the education of the new generation.” – said Prof. Dr. Zoltán Szilvéssy, Rector.

After the signing László Papp, Mayor, said: “Continental brings the most up-to-date knowledge and technology, a modern working culture, new ways of thinking, and thus development to the city. The development of an industry that has become decisive for the future of Debrecen as well as the whole country over recent years and decades. The presence of Continental also creates a need for knowledge in the city, and its fulfillment requires the most serious and committed cooperation between the city, the government and the University of Debrecen. That is what gives the agreement we signed today special importance.”

The cooperation agreement was signed by Prof. Dr. Zoltán Szilvássy, Rector of the University of Debrecen and Lukas Juranek Managing Director of Continental Debrecen (left) © Continental AG

The technology company announced in February 2018 that it would set up another plant in Hungary to expand its activities in the field of automotive electronics. The foundation stone was laid in September 2018 and with the investment Continental creates 450 new jobs in Debrecen.

The agreement with the University of Debrecen fits well into the initiative which has already overseen the cooperation between Continental’s Budapest location and the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, the Veszprém plant and the University of Pannonia, Makó’s ContiTech Fluid and the University of Szeged, the Vác site and the Szent István University, ContiTech Magyarország Kft. at Nyíregyháza with the universities of Nyíregyháza and Debrecen, and Continental Hungaria Kft. and the Óbuda University.

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