Car manufacturer: VW finds software board in its own ranks


As head of the e-Mobility series, Senger has been responsible since 2016 for the development of the modular electrical construction kit MEB, on which the new electric cars of the ID family are based.

(Photo: AP)

HamburgVolkswagen According to an insider, a candidate for the announced board position for auto software has been found. Christian Senger, head of the E-Mobility series, is said to be in the VWBringing up brand management and take over the new resort, the news agency Reuters was passed on Wednesday.

As a new brand management board, he should not just focus on the software development of the brand VW but take on these tasks for the whole group. First, the specialist magazine “carIT” reported on it. The appointment must be approved by the Supervisory Board. According to the insider, a final decision is expected in the coming weeks. Volkswagen did not comment.

CEO Herbert dies had already announced at the Economic Forum in Davos that VW At Management Board level, wants to separate the responsibilities for software and hardware development in the automotive business. The share of software in the car is increasing exponentially, Diess said. The networking of the many software units in the car is now the most demanding task in vehicle development.

Volkswagen therefore wants to simplify the software architecture in the vehicles. With a combination of systems and the strict separation of software and hardware, the costs for Volkswagen passenger cars are expected to fall by a mid three-digit million euro amount.

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To the business club

As Head of the E-Mobility series, Senger has since 2016 been responsible for the development of the modular electrical construction kit MEB, on which the new E-cars of the ID family stand. He began his career in the automotive industry in 1997 BMWwhere from 2010 he was responsible for the product concepts of the i3 and i8. Also this came from BMW to Volkswagen.

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