Collective agreement textile and clothing West

13.02.2019 Ι In the West German textile industry, there will be 2.6 percent more money from August, another 2.3 percent more from September 2020 and a 340 euro one-time payment. The holiday pay rises in parallel. The trainees receive an extra plus. And the payment on partial retirement increases in two stages to 600 euros.

The tariff charges in the West German textile and clothing industry increase by 4.9 percent in two stages. As of August 2019, there will be 2.6 percent more and from September 2020 a further increase of 2.3 percent. At the same time holiday pay increases by 2.6 per cent and 2.3 per cent respectively. For the months February to July 2019 there is a one-time payment of 340 Euro.

The monthly allowances for apprentices will increase by 30 euros in each training year from August and by another 30 euros from September 2020. From February to July, they will receive a one-off payment of 170 euros.

Supplement to partial retirement increases to 600 euros

The IG Metall has also achieved improvements in partial retirement. The payment of the employer increases from September 2019 to 570 euros and from September 2020 to 600 euros. The amount of the supplement depends on the entry into the semi-retirement scheme.

A better partial retirement was particularly important to the IG Metall and the employees. The average age in the industry is high. The aim of the IG Metall was that more employees can afford the earlier age transition.

The collective bargaining agreement of IG Metall was reached at the third collective bargaining round last night in Bielefeld. The collective agreement affects around 100,000 employees in collective agreements in the West German textile and clothing industry.

More than 10,000 employees pressured with warning strikes

More than 10 000 employees from 107 companies have put pressure on collective bargaining in the last two weeks with warning strikes. Also in front of the bar in Bielefeld a rally with more than 350 participants took place.

“The IG Metall has managed to enforce a real wage increase for the employees,” said IG Metall negotiator Manfred Menningen. “The increase in partial retirement contributions helps to shape the demographic change in companies in the interests of the employees.”

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