Employee Spotlight – Lynn Dony

Employee Spotlight – Lynn Dony


Meet Lynn Dony, Simulation Engineer on our Active Safety and Autonomous team, based out of our Canadian Technical Centre Markham campus.

1)  How long have you been at GM and what is your current role?

I’m a Simulation Engineer in Active Safety & Autonomous Systems, and I’ve worked at GM for just over two years now.

2)  What brought you to GM?

My background is in biomedical engineering, and I never really considered the automotive industry as an option. It wasn’t until I was working on my masters on driving simulators when my friend who works at GM suggested applying to some positions within the Active Safety & Autonomous group. After talking to some people on the team and getting an idea of what they were working on, I knew I really wanted to be a part of it!

3)  What is the best part about your job?

There’s a lot of “best parts” about my job! Getting to be part of projects that will help save lives on the road is really inspiring, but even the technology itself is so cool. Although in simulation, the things I’m working on aren’t necessarily going to be on the vehicle, I need to have a deep understanding of everything that’s going on in the system, so that we can simulate and test things that wouldn’t be able to be tested otherwise. The people I get to work with also really push me to grow, whether it’s learning from someone who’s had decades of experience in a specific area, or someone fresh out of an academic environment with some new innovative ideas we can incorporate into our work.

4)  How has GM helped you grow?

When I first started, the Active Safety & Autonomous team in Canada was a lot smaller than it is today. Getting to help plan for all the new work and team members, and build out the new lab space in Markham has definitely taught me a lot. In addition to my work in simulation, I also lead the Community Involvement Committee for the Markham JumpStart branch (an employee resource group for those in their first five years at GM). This has allowed me to flex my leadership skills. Working with colleagues in different locations and functional areas of the company has also helped me with collaboration, communication and networking.

5) What is the coolest thing that you’ve accomplished since being at GM?

Seeing SuperCruise launch last year was really cool! I started at the tail-end of development, but knowing that my team played a part in its success makes us all feel proud.

6)  What’s your favourite GM vehicle?

Definitely the Cruise AV Bolt. I recently got to see the version without driver controls, it was so awesome. Getting to work on the system that will make autonomous vehicles a reality is super cool.

7)  If you could drive to one place where would it be?

California, in one of those decked out vans you can sleep and live in. Like a surfer’s dream without the surfing.

8)  What do you do on your free time?

I moved to Toronto a year ago, and I like to get out and explore the city. When I’m home I like to knit and listen to podcasts.

9)  What’s one thing most people don’t know about you?

I lived in England for a year when I was 13!

10) If you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time?

I love sleep, so I feel like even if I didn’t have to sleep I still would. Sleep is great, I’d take sleep over extra time any day (I do that now).

11) Are you more of a hunter or a gatherer?

Gatherer! I love a good collection of things.

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