Car manufacturer: VW announces shortages in Zwickau due to delivery bottlenecks

Production at Volkswagen in Zwickau

Overall, Volkswagen employs around 8,000 people at the plant.

(Photo: AP)

ZwickauThe carmaker Volkswagen has registered short-time working for several hundred employees in Zwickau. Reason are supply bottlenecks at suppliers, stated VWSpokesman on Monday with request. This affects the production and thus the shift planning. Earlier, “Radio Zwickau” reported.

According to the company, the short-time work has been applied for 15 weeks until the beginning of June. Affected are according to VW “a few hundred” employees of golf production on one of two production lines. Overall, Volkswagen employs in Zwickau about 8000 people.

Production on line 1, where the Golf and Golf Variant are made, is said to continue uninterrupted, as well as the body shop for Bentley and Lamborghini, The preparations for the construction of the new electric vehicles at the Zwickau location would continue as planned, it said. In the middle of last week, Volkswagen had informed employees about short-time work.

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