SEAT and IBM revolutionise urban mobility with AI

With IBM Watson Machine Learning, ‘Mobility Advisor’ can learn a user’s preferences and make personalized recommendations for how best to complete a journey. Connected to the IBM Cloud, it dynamically adapts to changing conditions by taking into account weather forecasts, traffic reports and things happening in the city that day. It incorporates the user’s appointments and historical data about previous choices in order to suggest the best modes of transportation each time – even if that means leaving the car behind, walking, or using one of SEAT’s e-KickScooters for the part of the journey.

“With the roll-out of 5G networks in cities in the coming years, the possibilities for transforming the driver experience are limitless,” said Juan Ramon Gutierrez Villar, Industry Solutions Leader, IBM Global Markets. “At IBM, we are working with telecommunications companies and innovative manufactures like SEAT to provide the open technologies which they need to deliver on this vision and create highly contextualized and personalized user experiences that work at lightning speed across multiple clouds and IT platforms.”

SEAT’s R&D Mobility team will continue working with IBM technicians on the evolution of Mobility Advisor proof of concept and its different potential applications. Together with XMOBA, SEAT’s independent company which tests new solutions that contribute to better mobility, SEAT will analyse the future integration of Mobility Advisor with Justmoove, the collaborative mobility solutions platform which the company already offers to its customers. On IBM’s side, the project is being implemented by Viewnext, an IBM subsidiary in Spain.

SEAT Communications

Cristina Vall-Llosada
Head of Corporate Communications
T / +34 93 708 53 78
M/ +34 646 295 296

Daniel Martínez
Corporate Communications
M/ +34 648 280 851

IBM Communications

Jonathan Batty
IBM Global Communications
M/ +44 7741 113871

Patricia Núñez
IBM Spain Communications
M/ +34 91 3977782


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