News – Fact sheet: Brexit and the auto industry

The impact of a no-deal Brexit on the automobile industry would be potentially catastrophic. There is no other industry that is more tightly integrated than the European automotive industry, with highly complex supply chains stretching across Europe and production relying on ‘just-in-time’ delivery.

Indeed, as this fact sheet illustrates, the EU and UK automotive industries are closely interwoven today.

  • 51% of all exported UK-built cars were bought by customers in the European Union last year.
  • In fact, more than 8 out of 10 passenger cars made in the United Kingdom are exported.
  • The other way around, less than 4 out of 10 cars made in the EU27 are exported (38.3%), with roughly one third of total exports heading to the UK (or 12.4% of total production).
  • The EU represents 85% of the UK’s passenger car imports by volume.



Download ACEA fact sheet: Brexit and the auto industry (March 2019 update)

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