Company 06.03.2019 The Importance of China Interview with CEO Herbert Diess: “We Need to Get the Young Chinese Middle Class Excited.” mehr

With the new JETTA brand, Volkswagen is now systematically pursuing this path. How did the idea for the new brand come about? In China, Jetta is a symbol for attainable, individual mobility. This is the model with which we put China on four wheels in the 1990s. With more than 300,000 vehicles sold per year, it is one of our successful models in the world’s largest market. And this market is developing rapidly, especially in the numerous megacities beyond the metropolitan regions such as Shanghai or Beijing, where vehicle density is very low. In these areas, it is primarily young customers and the large number of first-time buyers who have a significant need for mobility. We are answering that need without having to reposition the Volkswagen brand. With the launch of the JETTA brand, whose model portfolio includes a sedan and two SUVs, we are combining tradition and quality with attractive design and modern technology. JETTA therefore has the potential to grow from a successful model into a successful brand, especially among the young Chinese middle class: We need to get them excited about Volkswagen.By establishing the new brand, we have taken an important step in this direction. My thanks go to the entire JETTA team who have successfully realized this project, putting in a lot of energy and commitment. That was a very impressive achievement, congratulations.

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