Car manufacturer: CEO Herbert Diess relies on VW shares

Herbert dies

Shares are also part of the variable remuneration of Volkswagen Board members.

(Photo: Reuters)

WolfsburgVW boss Herbert Diess relies on the shares of the world’s largest car maker: The corporate leader has for well two million euros VWBought shares. That gave Volkswagen known on Monday. Tried for a long time Diess, in the chronically low-yield core brand VW Passenger cars to turn things around.

A few days ago, it was announced that the group would add to its core brand in the next five years 5000 to 7000 places wants to delete, From 2023, a profit improvement of 5.9 billion euros should be achieved annually – which should also be happy on the stock market. By Monday afternoon, the stock on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange rose by 0.85 percent to 145.32 euros.

Since the beginning of the exhaust affair, the VW share crashed from a high in mid-March 2015 at 262.45 euros to a low of 86.36 euros in the fall. After the dramatic collapse, things slowly started to rise in the following years. 2018, however, was not good for the carmaker: since the interim high in mid-April at 179.60 euros, the highest value since the crisis, the share lost about 27 percent to a low end of October at 131.44 euros.

Shares are also part of the variable remuneration of Volkswagen Board members. Thus, Diess earned a total of just under 8.5 million euros last year, including pension expenses – he was paid as a member of the Executive Board until April 12, 2018, and then as Chief Executive Officer. The variable remuneration accounted for more than 5.6 million euros.

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