The commercial surplus of the car collapses 78% in January due to the increase in imports

Published 3/21/2013 11:32:30 PM


The automotive industry (manufacturers of cars, motorcycles and components) closed the first month of the current year with a trade surplus (difference between exports and imports) of 59.4 million euros, which represents a sharp decline of 77.6% Respect to the same month of previously year.

According to data from the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, the trade balance of the Spanish economy as a whole showed a deficit of 4,483 million euros in the first month of the year, 13.9% less, with exports worth 22,525 million (-1.3%) and imports for 27.008 million euros (+ 0.9%).

Sources of the sector explained to Europa Press that this sharp fall in the trade surplus of the automobile industry is justified by the lower demand of some of the main export markets, such as Germany or Turkey, as well as by the greater imports of models that are not manufactured in Spain, mainly everything.

Exports from the automotive sector as a whole fell by 4.6% in January to 3,495 million euros, while imports rose by 1.1% to 3,435 million euros.

For their part, the component manufacturers posted a monthly trade deficit of 551 million euros, which represents a decrease of 3.8%. The value of exports in this sector was 1.19 billion, 2.8% less, and that of imports fell 0.8%, to 1.74 billion.

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