Di Maio announces: “Turin industrial area of ​​complex crisis recognized: financing up to 150 million”

“We signed the ministerial decree to recognize Turin and the neighboring municipalities as an industrial area of ​​complex crisis.” To say the vice premier Luigi Di Maio, today at Palazzo Civico to announce the birth in Turin of the “House of emerging technologies”, first in Italy and point of reference for the north, for which the government has allocated 7 and a half million euros .

“(The complex crisis area ed) – continued the Minister of Labor – sees at the center the challenge of FCA to build the electric car at Mirafiori”.

“For us the electric 500 – he added – will be the symbol in Europe of the automotive electric industry: like Mise we can’t wait to replace some of our 500 with electric cars”.

“The complex crisis area – he concluded – is made up of various support tools: Turin companies, in this context of development, will be able to attract financing of up to 150 million euros.”

“A tool – added the mayor Chiara Appendino – that allows us to help companies in the technological revolution and relaunch the territory.”

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