Car manufacturer: VW is looking for potential savings and now waives color prints


The car company wants to save money by doing without color prints.

(Photo: AP)

WolfsburgThe carmaker Volkswagen thrives on frugality in their own color printers: From April color prints in the Wolfsburg, Kassel, Salzgitter, Emden and Braunschweig plants as well as in the commercial vehicle plant in Hanover are to be reduced to “the necessary level”.

New color printer would not be procured, with existing devices the color option is turned off, goes from an internal mail to the VWEmployees, which is available to the German Press Agency. Last year almost 140 million pages were printed at the sites, half of them in color. A color page costs four times as much as a black and white print.

“Here is an enormous saving potential,” it says in the mail to the VW employees. The management board therefore decided on a “consistent changeover”. Exceptions should be allowed – on application – but the proportion of color prints should remain below five percent. “Let’s go black”, it says on a black and white photo in the mail.

In any case, Volkswagen had announced that it would tighten the austerity program because of billions of euros in planned investments in e-mobility and digitization of the core brand. In the next five years should therefore be removed in addition 5000 to 7000 posts,

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To the business club

With the help of automated routine work, material savings and reduced model diversity, costs are set to fall further from 2023 onwards. So VW wants to gain financial latitude.

The works council criticized the magnitude of the additional job cuts. Because of the diesel scandal, the car maker had to pay almost 30 billion euros for penalties and settlements, especially in the US.

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