Groupe PSA presents its climate governance

On the occasion of the publication of its first Climate Report and its annual CSR Report, Groupe PSA is publishing its climate governance.
The Group’s climate governance leads the implementation of the climate strategy throughout the company. (download the infographics here)
As a member of the CDP[1] “A List”, Groupe PSA confirms its leadership in the fight against climate change.
The Group stands out for its ambitious strategy to reduce its overall CO2 emissions: vehicles, manufacturing activities, purchasing and logistics.

For Carlos Tavares: “Our structured climate governance ensures Groupe PSA focus on CO2 issues. As a mobility provider, our company is fully involved in an evolving dynamic. We put our ability to innovate, our agility and our skills at the service of a high-performance and responsible business model that creates shared and sustainable value for its stakeholders.”

In its Climate Report, the Group gives its stakeholders a global vision of its measures to fight climate change and mitigate its effects. It also describes how the Push to Pass strategic plan integrates climate-related economic opportunities and risks. The achievement of the Group’s climate objectives is monitored with full transparent indicators

This Climate Report complies with the recommendations of the FSB Task-Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

The annual CSR Report presents all the work carried out by the Group on its societal issues, including climate issues. Audited by an independent third party, it connects financial and non-financial performance, in accordance with the recommendations of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC).

Groupe PSA CSR Report has been awarded “Advanced” for four consecutive years by the United Nations Global Compact. This label rewards both transparency and best practices in sustainable development.

Media contact:

Pierre-Olivier Salmon – +33 6 76 86 45 48 – pierre


[1] A non-profit organization dedicated to studying the impact of the world’s leading companies on climate change.

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