Group-wide deliveries fall in April

The Volkswagen Group delivered 866,400 vehicles in April, 6,6 percent below the figure for April 2018. In the month under review, all core regions recorded declines in the overall market. This was a result of the sluggish economy in some markets and the tense geopoliti-cal situation in other markets. Dr. Christian Dahlheim, Head of Volkswagen Group Sales, commented: “In many major countries, the overall market experienced a downturn in April. In our largest single market of China, the customers of many brands continued to be reluctant to purchase despite the reduction in the VAT rate. The Volkswagen Group was not immune to this trend. Over the next few months, we will be introducing key new models and continue to look forward rather more optimistically to the second half of the year.”

Deliveries in the regions in April developed as follows:

In Europe, Volkswagen Group brands delivered a total of 394,800 vehicles, a decrease of 2.0 percent compared with the same month last year. In Central and Eastern Europe, 69,700 vehicles were handed over to customers, 1.5 percent more than in April 2018. Positive momentum came especially from Russia, where 20,200 customers took delivery of a new vehicle from a Group brand (+7.0 percent). In Western Europe, deliveries fell by 2.7 percent to 325,100 vehicles. In the home market of Germany, deliveries were down 6.3 percent to 118,200 vehicles. The performance in April 2018 has been particularly strong due to the environmental incentive schemes.

In North America, deliveries fell by 4.1 percent to 76,600 vehicles. In the USA, 51,700 customers took delivery of a new Group vehicle, a decrease of 3.7 percent compared with April 2018. In Canada, deliveries were at about the prior-year level, at 10,700 vehicles (-0.3 percent). In Mexico, where the overall economic situation remained difficult, 14,200 vehicles were delivered (-8.0 percent).

In South America, there were divergent developments in the various markets. In total, 48,600 vehicles were delivered to customers, a fall of 6.4 percent compared with the same month last year. There was once again a significant rise of 8.3 percent in Brazil, the largest market in the region. 36,800 vehicles were delivered there. In Argentina, where overall economic conditions remained difficult, 6,700 customers took delivery of a vehicle, a marked decline of 46.2 percent.

In the Asia-Pacific region, Group brands delivered 322,000 vehicles, 10.5 percent fewer than in April 2018. In China, the region’s most important single market, customers remained reluctant to purchase vehicles despite the cut in VAT that applied from the beginning of the month. As a result, there was significant shrinkage in the overall market. The Group brands were not immune to this trend, but the decline in deliveries of 9.6 percent was once again less pronounced than in the overall market. By handing over 302,600 vehicles to customers, the Group kept extending its market share.

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