Car manufacturer: Dear compensation as change – 1340 employees leave Opel

Opel vehicles in front of Opel logo

The 1,340 employees make use of severance payments, partial retirement or early retirement.

(Photo: AP)

Ruesselsheim in the planned outsourcing of 2000 OpelJobs at the service provider Segula do not attract the employees at the Rüsselsheim headquarters. In total, 1340 employees of the development center have decided to voluntarily leave the company, such as Opel confirmed on Wednesday a report of “Wirtschaftswoche”. you take Severance payments, partial retirement or early retirementh, as had been agreed with the works council in March.

In addition, 140 employees had agreed to switch to Segula, so that now around 550 employees for the planned transfer to Segula must be selected, it said. For them, there is no possibility of financial compensation anymore.

The IG metal In the works council, the result was a clear vote by the workforce against a partial sale of the center to Segula. In addition, the personnel surplus with the 1340 withdrawals was completely reduced. In the spirit of business peace, the sales negotiations with Segula would have to be stopped immediately.

The participating companies, however, continue to plan the transfer of business. Segula sees itself well placed to start operations at the beginning of August with around 1,000 employees. So far, there were 380 applications from the ranks of Opel employees and 691 of external workers before, the service provider had reported on Tuesday. Already last year, Opel had after the takeover by the PSACorporation in its German works 3700 employees with money for walking moves.

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