Care km


The employees of Hilfswerk NÖ drive an average of 15,000 kilometers per year

Hilfswerk Lower Austria

Founded in 1978 by Erich Fidesser as a private association for the promotion of neighborhood assistance
Largest social non-profit organization in Lower Austria
25,000 customers throughout Lower Austria
3,100 full-time and 2,800 volunteers
12 family and counseling centers
55 locations “Help and care at home”
With a market share of 46.5%, the No. 1 in mobile care in Lower Austria
1.7 million hours of operation in 2018 in home nursing and home help
4,000 supervised children

Around 8,500 customers used the mobile care and therapy services of Hilfswerk Niederösterreich in 2018. In the whole of Lower Austria. The nurses, nurses, home helpers and mobile therapists completed journeys totaling 20.1 million kilometers.

500 times around the world

The equivalent of these 20.1 million kilometers traveled in 2018 will result in a 500-hour orbit around the globe. Under often difficult conditions: through mountainous and remote rural areas such as the Ötscherland or the Waldviertel and in any weather.

The most important premise for every car in the fleet is therefore reliability. And energy saving – in terms of running costs. Requirements that the Opel Corsa also best fulfills for the fleet of Hilfswerk Niederösterreich. The fleet counts a total of 1,600 vehicles.

Hilfswerk NÖ enjoys driving with Opel Corsa

On-site, where necessary

In addition to mobile care and therapy, the range of services provided by Hilfswerk Niederösterreich includes numerous other services: childcare, learning training, counseling, psychotherapy and social work are offered in twelve family and counseling centers. Offers for help and care are available at 55 locations (home nursing, home help, mobile therapy, menu service, emergency telephone, etc.).

In addition, volunteers visit older, lonely people and read, chat and play with them. “Godparents” support families in difficult everyday situations; at doctor’s visits, authorities or household activities.

In total, 25,000 customers throughout Lower Austria are looked after by 3,100 employees and 2,800 volunteers. Hilfswerk Niederösterreich is one of the largest employers in the state.

Text: Kristin Engelhardt, Photos: Hilfswerk NÖ

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