Skoda workers in the Czech Republic do not accept the salary increase and prepare a strike

Posted 2/15/2018 11:37:16 PM

PRAGUE, Feb. 15 (Reuters / EP) –

The union organizations of the plants maintained by the car firm Skoda, of the Volkswagen group, in the Czech Republic have rejected the salary offer made by the company and have begun preparations for a strike.

According to the unions, the proposal to raise the company’s salary was only enough to cover the 2% rise in inflation in the country, although they indicated that this offer was conditional on workers accepting a change in shift models. of work.

The representatives of the workers explained, in turn, that the increase in the purchasing power of workers at this time “is zero”, as a result of the “ridiculous” initial proposals made by the company, “based on the introduction of a system atypical shifts “.

Next February 19 the board of directors of Skoda will meet in order to address this situation. The company closed last year with a worldwide sales volume of 1.2 million units, which represented a 6.6% increase compared to 2016.

The Czech corporation highlighted that this figure represented an historical record of sales, while noting that it was the fourth consecutive year in which it managed to overcome the barrier of one million units registered.