M5S: “Fca-Reanault, Italy is the protagonist of negotiations to protect our interests”

The Turin M5S deputy in the Labor Commission Jessica Costanzo and the M5S council groups in the Turin and Piedmont Region intervene on the French government’s statements regarding the merger of FCA and Renault.

“Serious the claim attributed to the French Ministry that would claim the headquarters in Paris and extraordinary dividends – the 5-star exponents declare – These tones are not adequate. The French government seems on a war footing for what is an operation that must take into account the interests of Italian workers and of our country. Let us remember that the FCA property should listen to the Government before proceeding with such large operations, also considering that FCA (formerly FIAT) has benefited from substantial state aid for decades ”.

“The government is carefully observing the succession of events – the exponents of the 5 Star Movement continue – and we are ready to assert the rights and interests of our country and this territory by proposing the establishment of a coordination table with the Italian and French governments together with the two companies to analyze every aspect of the operation, with particular attention to the needs of workers ”.

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