More money and free days for trainees

Employees in tariff-bound Bavarian car dealerships and car repair shops receive more money. IG Metall and employers negotiated a collective agreement on Thursday, 13 June.

Tariff increases in two stages

The tariff increases will be made in two stages: On July 1, 2019, the compensation will increase by 2.7 percent, but at least by 80 euros. The training allowances increase by 50 euros.

From July 1, 2020, the second tariff increase will be 2.6 percent, again at least 80 euros. The training allowances increase by another 50 euros.

In the future, trainees will be paid on the day before both written exam parts.

The collective agreements on remuneration and training allowances can be terminated with a notice period of one month for the first time on May 31, 2021.

The elected collective bargaining commission of the IG Metall for the motor craft trade Bavaria, predominantly with representatives from the enterprises, accepted the tariff result unanimously.

“This gives the employees a fair share of the business success of the companies,” explains Johann Horn, district manager of IG Metall Bavaria. “Employees with low incomes and trainees benefit disproportionately from the tariff increase.”

Other car tariff areas take over pilot conclusion

Baden-Wurttemberg, Brandenburg and Saxony as well Lower Saxony have essentially taken over the pilot collective agreement for the motor vehicle trade from Bavaria. In Brandenburg Instead of the at least 80 Euro from now on each year in November again an increase of one percent. By 2025, the level of motor vehicle compensation in Berlin and thus its alignment with the West should be achieved.

Negotiations to take over the collective agreement from Bavaria will continue in the next few days in the other vehicle tariff zones. We will inform you as soon as there is news.

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