Car manufacturer: Plant in Kaiserslautern: Opel agrees with works council on a compromise package

Opel plant

There is agreement between Opel and the works council.

(Photo: AP)

Rüsselsheim Opel has agreed with the works council on measures to safeguard employment for the Kaiserslautern plant. Accordingly, contracts of young skilled workers are fixed term and trainees the acquisition guaranteed, said the carmaker on Tuesday in Ruesselsheim.

In addition, investments for a plant for the hot forming of steel had been decided. This made Kaiserslautern the only work of the French PSAGroup in which this technology is applied. The plant in Kaiserslautern will be strengthened as an “important pillar” of the global production network, said HR Director Ralph Wangemann.

In detail, temporary employees are permanently employed Opel, It is about a number in the middle double-digit range. Apprentices should also be taken on indefinitely until 2023 after successful completion. In addition, Opel agreed with the social partners to hire 34 apprentices per year over the period.

At the same time Opel wants to push the labor costs and now offers “temporarily” more employees on the exit. The possibility of partial retirement was extended for employees up to and including the year 1961, it was said.

Since taking over in 2017, the French owner is trying PSA Optimizing Opel with Efficiency Savings and offering employees more severance pay when they leave the Group. For this purpose, a social plan was agreed. At the end of 2018, around 1,700 people work at the Kaiserslautern plant.

More: With the world premiere of the new electric model, the Rüsselsheimers want to open a new chapter in the company’s history. Opel is doomed to success.

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