Marnati al Valentino: “New car technologies for a greener Piedmont and a cleaner environment”

“We must continue to work to produce new, better performing batteries, make infrastructure investments for vehicle top-ups, activate municipal incentive policies to guarantee free parking for ecological cars, as happens for example in Novara, and thus allow Piedmont to become the “the greenest area in the whole of Italy”: this was declared by the Piedmont Region Councilor for Environment, Research and Innovation, Matteo Marnati, on the occasion of the closing day of the Turin Motor Show.

An event that, the councilor recalls, “focused on electricity and new technologies and was inaugurated by a self-driving car, and has therefore brought innovation to the forefront and the need to measure oneself on these new technological ways to aim for a cleaner environment. An open-air salon, which in addition to the cars allowed to enjoy the beauty of Turin and which physically inserted the cars in the environment with which they will have to live ”.

Councilor Marnati added that “the 5 billion investment confirmed and the full employment in the FCA Piedmontese plants by 2022 is a great good news in this direction. The direction towards a green motorization is in fact in full harmony with my thought of wanting to support the automotive sector through the conversion of the power supply. To aim for less smog, cleaner air and an automotive sector with so many new growth opportunities. The application of a strong incentive policy for the use of ecological cars will allow fossil fuels to be retired “.

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