Statistics – Interactive map: Correlation between electric car sales and the availability of charging points

This map visualises the correlation between the market uptake of electrically-chargeable vehicles (ECVs) and the availability of charging infrastructure for all 28 EU member states.

Key observations

  • Of the 144,00 charging points available across the European Union today, over 26% are located in the Netherlands (37,037), with another 19% in Germany (27,459), 17% in France (24,850) and 13% in the United Kingdom (19,076).
  • Together, these four countries account for 76% of all ECV charging points in the EU.
  • By contrast, the same four countries only cover 27% of the EU’s total surface area.
  • On the other end of the spectrum, a vast country like Romania – roughly six times bigger than the Netherlands – only counts 125 charging points, or 0.1% of the EU total.


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