“Is this something for me?”


Orientation program: Charlotte Lea Lang (right) and Marleen Sinsel have explored at Opel whether a technical degree or a technical occupation is an option for them.


The two young women had the high school diploma fresh in their pockets and were able to imagine a technical degree as their next stop – but in which discipline? None of them knew that. This is different now: Charlotte Lea Lang and Marleen Sinsel have a taster study and internships in the context of Hessen-pilotgraduated. The program takes place every year from October to March and is a joint project of all technical universities in Hessen for applied sciences with STEM areas (mathematics, computer science, science and technology). The aim of the technical center is to promote interest and to provide insights into the relevant study and professional world.

For three months, Charlotte Lang and Marleen Sinsel met four days a week in Rüsselsheim to familiarize themselves with the work in advance development and engine development. They were looked after by colleagues Pia Pommer, Markus Quint and Andreas Baur from the development departments. In addition, the trainees attended a lecture at a technical university once a week.


At the Rüsselsheim carmaker, the interns received a comprehensive insight: They were guests at the training workshop, got to know the vehicle development and helped out in the final and final assembly. “We’ve got a lot of exciting looks behind the scenes,” says Charlotte Lang. Your personal highlights: the test center in Dudenhofen, the crash tests, the paint shop, vehicle comparison trips and the labor input in vehicle production. Charlotte Lang: “We assisted with the work on the door module.”

Opel colleagues and members of the women’s network have also presented the two interns with the diverse professional careers at Opel and current work content. “Development, design, finance or marketing – I was not fully aware of how many applications are available to one in a large company like Opel after a technical education or study,” says Marleen Sinsel.

After three months, the two summarized and presented their impressions. “Very impressive” was the content of her internship, she summarizes. “A day at Opel is characterized by communication, collaboration, flat hierarchies and motivation,” says Charlotte Lang and Marleen Sinsel secondly: “I especially liked the open and friendly environment at Opel.” The mentoring colleagues are also in favor of the Technikum program across from. “We are opening up a new target group of young women with potential for a STEM study,” says Pia Pommer. As early as October, the next interns will get to know the company Opel – two more young women have registered as part of the technical center.


Do you know someone who is interested in the program? Then we have a tip for you: Currently running the preparations for the Hessen Technical Center 2019/2020. The application deadline has already expired, but as there are still places available, you can still apply at short notice. Further information about the application can be found under Hessen-pilot,

In the factory: Charlotte Lea Lang (right) and Marleen Sinsel.

August 2019

Photo: private

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