Cnh continues to run on the hypothesis of demerger of the subsidiary Iveco


The announcement could be given tomorrow, on the occasion of the meeting organized in New York by the company’s top management with the international financial community. The company that makes the trucks could then establish a joint venture. But there are those who do not exclude the sale

of Eleonora Micheli

2 September 2019

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Cnh Industrial continues to run at Piazza Affari waiting for the company’s top management to meet the international financial community, scheduled for tomorrow in New York. Securities recorded a lively progress, after having already gained about 15% from last August 23rd. In the last few days rumors and hypotheses about imminent financial operations that could be circulated have circulated in financial circles. announced during tomorrow’s Market Capital Day. In particular, the market is betting that vthe Iveco spin-off will be presented, the truck manufacturing division. In addition, according to press rumors of the weekend, Iveco itself could then establish a joint venture with other groups, or be sold: it seems that it is already targeted by the Chinese Geely or the Indian Tata. “We believe that the interest of an Asian group may be concrete for the market share and sales network in Europe and for technological know-how”, commented Equita analysts, while underlining that at the moment “it is premature to think about the announcement of a sale “. The experts of the sim, believing that despite the race of the last sessions the Cnh are still undervalued, they recommend a ‘Buy’ on the shares, for which they estimate a price target of 12 euros.

(Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor)

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