4Sep Twenty Twenty awarded during the Aston Martin DB7 Celebration Italdesign’s 2001 prototype is “the DB7 with Most interesting…

Italdesign’s 2001 prototype is “the DB7 with Most interesting Spec”


Italdesign’s Aston Martin Twenty-Twenty was part of the DB7 Celebration Day, held at the Wormsley Estate, England, last weekend.

Designed, engineered and built in 2001, the Twenty-Twenty was the first Aston Martin open-topped car, designed for the year 2020. Based on a DB7 equipped with a 12 cylinder, mid-engined, rear wheel drive, 6 speed, 5935 cc, 500 hp, Italdesign’s prototype has been displayed among the 340 DB7 gathered for the event.

Twenty-Twenty has been awarded by the jury “the DB7 with Most Interesting Spec”.

For more information about the car, click here.

(photo: Ian Kendall AMOC)

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