The Volkswagen group estimates that in 2025 there will be one million vehicles powered by CNG in Germany

Posted 2/21/2018 2:42:44 PM

January recorded record sales in one month of this type of vehicle in the German country, 370.7% more


The Volkswagen car group intends to multiply by ten the number of vehicles powered by Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) in Germany, until reaching 2025 around one million units in Germany, the company said in a statement.

Along with the industrial consortium CNG Mobility, the Volkswagen group is also working to multiply the number of service stations that have CNG, to reach 2,000 ‘gasoline’ in 2025, from the current 860 that are available in Germany.

“In the context of the debate on the energy transition and the gradual transfer to sustainable mobility, the mobility of CNG is able to make a very attractive contribution: wherever electric mobility meets the limits, we can offer an effective alternative immediately available for the reduction of emissions from road traffic “, assured the Head of Technological Strategy and Officer of the group CNG Mobility in the Volkswagem Group, Jens Andersen.

With the presentation of the Seat Arona in 2018, the car group will have a total of 18 models available with natural gas propulsion in the market.

Figures from the German Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA), quoted by Volkswagen, show that the CNG vehicle registration has grown “continuously” since July 2017. Also, in January 2018, this type of vehicles recorded record sales in a month, with 370.7% growth over the same period of 2017.