FCA roars over Turin and Grugliasco: investments of 800 million have been confirmed in the industrial plan

In the city of Mole, in particular, new investments were announced for the New Gran convertible and the new Gran Turismo produced in hybrid and electric version. So not only the 500. And then we will proceed with the renewal of existing models such as Levante, Ghibli and 4 doors with hybrid. In total, the investment in the Turin hub will be 800 million. And large space will be reserved for autonomous driving, which will cover all models.

A news that arrives a few hours after the 100,000 Ghibli Maserati Ghibli was “baptized” in the Agap factory in Grugliasco. “A result – Fiom Cgil’s representatives had said in a note – reached with the effort of those who are in the assembly line, of those who are on trolleys or in other departments”.

“Alongside the confirmation of the 800 million investment – says Dario Basso, provincial secretary of Uilm – it is also important that Turin is seen as the reference point for the hybridization and electrification of models. At this point, if the market will give the hoped-for answers, we count on being able to reach full use of the bodywork workers of Grugliasco and Mirafiori, and maybe even with some new hiring, given that we have been playing in defense for ten years, with ample recourse to social safety nets and it would be time to play the attack, also with a view to a possible joint venture “.

“There does not seem to be substantial changes on the horizon, we are repeating what had been previously declared – underlines however Edi Lazzi, provincial secretary of Fiom Cgil -. As for the models to be allocated to Turin there is an affirmation of intent, in a corporate statement, referring to re-editions of existing models and products in other establishments, among other things there is no trace of a probable date in which they should be put into production effectively. Our judgments therefore do not change : good that we go towards a transition from the heat engine to the electric, however we continue to be worried about those we represent because the use of social safety nets will not end and this year we will touch another negative record, for the quantity of cars produced in the our territory, reaching all-time lows “.

“Excellent news – commented the governor of Piedmont, Alberto Cirio – which confirms Fca’s desire to continue investing in Piedmont and another important step in the investment plan that was shared with the Region and the Municipality of Turin “. “It is evident – he continues – how the choices of FCA are fundamental for the future of the automotive Piedmontese and Italian. The Maserati Ghibli that will be produced in Turin will be the brand’s first hybrid electric car. So we welcome very positive choices like this, which recognize the know-how of a city, Turin, and of the territory, Piedmont, which aim to become the European capital of electricity ”.

The mayor of Turin, Chiara Appendino, was also satisfied: “A very positive news, which confirms the commitments made by the group with Turin and Italy. The investment program and the development of projects related to electric motorization and autonomous driving certainly represent a important fact for the economic, occupational and social system of our city, where industry and automotive maintain a key role and in which the path of technological innovation in support of sustainable mobility is fully supported by public institutions “.

“This is a confirmation of the validity of the agreements that the participatory union has achieved in recent years, allowing the automotive sector to remain in our country,” says Roberto Di Maulo, general secretary of the autonomous trade union Fismic Confsal. “The new models will allow a greater saturation of the workforce allowing all workers to exit the tunnel of the heavy use of social safety nets which has reduced their income capacity in these years”.

And yet again the UGL Metalmeccanici general secretary, Antonio Spera: “The FCA 2019-2021 plan takes shape, it is a strategic moment in the automotive sector”.

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