Groupe Renault creates RENAULT M.A.I. (Mobility as an Industry) to accelerate its development in new mobility services and build strategic partnerships

Boulogne-Billancourt – October 9th, 2019. To anticipate and support the deep changes in lifestyles and consumption patterns, Groupe Renault has been involved in new mobility services for the past four years by developing car services with or without drivers (Renault MOBILITY, Zity in Madrid, Moov’in.Paris, Marcel) and by making highly targeted acquisitions and equity investments in various start-ups specialized in this field (Karhoo, Yuso, Como, iCabbi, Glide).


Today, Groupe Renault is accelerating and creating RENAULT M.A.I. (Mobility as an Industry), an operating subsidiary exclusively dedicated to new mobility services. Bringing together all the Group’s mobility activities within a single entity will create synergies, simplify the decision-making process, clarify existing offers and create new ones.


RENAULT M.A.I. will also be a lever to gather other actors around these issues through strategic and ambitious partnerships. RENAULT M.A.I. thus aims to be the privileged partner of cities, regulatory authorities and transport operators, but also of companies in other sectors, to promote shared mobility at the service of consumers and able to meet environmental issues.


The challenge is to invent new forms of mobility not only in urban areas, but in all territories, for the benefit of outlying suburban areas and to open-up rural areas in France and throughout the world.


Indeed, by 2050, nearly 70% of the world’s population will live in urban areas, compared to 55% today, which will represent an additional 2.5 billion urban dwellers. This perspective provides an insight into the immense challenges facing the quality of life, housing, transportation and health in cities.


In the field of mobility, new uses are spreading, questioning the place and status of the automobile. Increasingly, the market is being structured according to the habits of consumers who are less interested in owning a vehicle than in a multimodal, innovative, connected, and more ecological offer adapted to the diversity of their needs.


In this context, and while the term mobility is sometimes overused and tends to lose its meaning, choosing to be called RENAULT M.A.I. anchors mobility in real life and the economy. This approach is part of Groupe Renault’s industrial culture, which has always known how to innovate and stay one step ahead. It also involves developing new businesses and investing in unexplored and profitable market segments.



Thierry Bolloré, Chief Executive Officer of Groupe Renault and President of RENAULT M.A.I. declared:

After a “test and learn” phase, the Group is taking a major step forward in its development. Our ambition is to be one of the world’s leading operators of new shared, accessible and sustainable mobility by remaining faithful to our DNA of technological innovation and proximity to the ultimate consumer. The mission of Arnaud Molinié, Managing Director of RENAULT M.A.I., will be to develop existing assets, accelerate the conquest of new markets, and help their organization by forging new partnerships with all the private and public players involved in this new industrial revolution.

: Born in 1973, Arnaud Molinié is a graduate of ESJ (École Supérieure de Journalisme) and École des Hautes Études Politiques et Sociales (HEPS) in Paris.

He began his career as a journalist at the Nouvelles de Versailles, then as a researcher at the S.I.G (Service d’Information du Gouvernement) before joining the general management of Lyonnaise des Eaux.

In 1998, he became Communications Director of Genopole (a French government program in genetics), which he left in 2000 to join the Lagardère Group, where he successively held the positions of Communications Director, Strategy and Development Director, General Manager of activities and CEO of various subsidiaries, including Lagardère Entertainment, which he created in 2007.

He joined Deloitte in 2015, first as a senior advisor and then as a partner until December 2018.

Arnaud Molinié joined the Groupe Renault in January 2019 as World Mobility Director. He is a member of the Group’s Executive Committee.






About Groupe Renault

Groupe Renault has manufactured cars since 1898. Today it is an international multi-brand Group, selling close to 3.9 million vehicles in 134 countries in 2018, with 36 manufacturing sites, 12,700 points of sales and employing more than 180,000 people.To address the major technological challenges of the future, while continuing to pursue its profitable growth strategy, Groupe Renault is focusing on international expansion. To this end, it is drawing on the synergies of its five brands (Renault, Dacia, Renault Samsung Motors, Alpine and LADA), electric vehicles, and its unique alliance with Nissan and Mitsubishi Motors. With a 100% Renault owned team committed to the Formula 1 World Championship since 2016, the brand is involved in motorsports, a real vector for innovation and awareness.

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