NVIDIA CloudXR Delivers Low-Latency AR/VR Streaming Over 5G Networks to Any Device

Enterprises can now deliver virtual and augmented reality experiences across 5G networks to any device with the introduction of NVIDIA CloudXR.

Built on NVIDIA GPU technology, the new NVIDIA CloudXR software development kit helps businesses create and deliver high-quality, wireless AR and VR experiences from any application based on OpenVR, the broadly used VR hardware and software interface.

With NVIDIA CloudXR, users don’t need to be physically tethered to a high-performance computer to drive rich, immersive environments. The SDK runs on NVIDIA servers located in the cloud or on-premises, delivering the advanced graphics performance needed for wireless virtual, augmented or mixed reality environments — which collectively are known as XR.

Companies that have their own 5G networks can use NVIDIA CloudXR to stream immersive environments from their on-prem data centers. Telcos, software makers and device manufacturers can use the high bandwidth and low latency of 5G signals to provide high framerate, low-latency immersive XR experiences to millions of customers in more locations than previously possible.

From product designers who review 3D models at scale to first responders who practice rescue scenarios through simulations, anyone can benefit from CloudXR using Windows and Android devices, including handheld tablets, VR headsets and AR glasses.

NVIDIA CloudXR Takes Wireless Streaming to the Edge

NVIDIA CloudXR leverages VR-ready NVIDIA GPUs to provide enterprises with huge computational power, so they can deliver high-quality immersive environments for even the most graphics-intensive XR configurations.  The SDK includes:

  • Server driver that runs in the data center
  • Easy-to-use client library to enable VR/AR streaming for a multitude of OpenVR applications to Android and Windows devices
  • SDK for portable client devices that let application developers easily stream rendered content from the cloud

These components work in tandem to dynamically optimize streaming parameters and maximize image quality and frame rates, so XR experiences can maintain optimal quality under any network condition.

To learn more, sign up for early access to the NVIDIA CloudXR SDK.

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