Member States’ greenhouse gas (GHG) emission projections

European data

2019 GHG projections, reported and quality checked in 2019
2018 GHG projections, reported and quality checked in 2018
2017 GHG projections, reported and quality checked in 2017
2016 GHG projections, reported and quality checked in 2016


Additional information

Data reported by the EU Member States (MS) under the EU Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Mechanism Regulation (MMR) have been quality checked and adjusted if appropriate by the  European Topic Centre Climate Change Mitigation and Energy (ETC/CME).

GHG projections data are presented per MS, year, scenario, category and gas. There are originally reported data and final (corrected or gap-filled when necessary) data. Two types of projections are presented: projections taking into account the (current) existing domestic policies and measures (WEM, with existing measures) and projections taking also into account additional (planned) domestic policies and measures (WAM, with additional measures).

‘Quality assurance and quality control procedure for national and Union GHG projections (2019)’ can be downloaded from:

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