CNET Places Velodyne Among Biggest Transportation Disruptors of the Decade

lidar family

Lidar sensors are vital to autonomous vehicles, providing high-resolution, three-dimensional information about a car’s surrounding environment.

An article by Andrew Krok in Roadshow by CNET looked at the people, concepts and decisions that have contributed to large-scale disruption in transportation in the 2010s.

In writing about the disruptive role of lidar, Krok called out Velodyne as a company that has “been hard at work developing optical sensors that use reflecting light to create a three-dimensional map of the world around said sensor. This makes for a far clearer picture than what might be achieved with cameras or radio waves (radar) alone.”

Krok noted industry progress “as companies have started delivering less complicated and more powerful sensors that can be manufactured at a far more affordable cost. Suppliers rarely get credit where it’s due, but in this case, lidar manufacturers truly are helping society move toward our autonomous future.”

To read the complete article, please visit: The biggest transportation disruptors of the 2010s.

For Velodyne Lidar products click HERE.

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