Groupe PSA: Groupe PSA signs a manifesto for the inclusion of people with disabilities in the workplace

  • The manifesto has been signed by a hundred companies at Les Echos and Le Parisien headquarters.
  • For nearly 20 years, Groupe PSA has supported the employment of people with disabilities.
  • Today, the Group employs 7,500 disabled people worldwide.

“In signing this manifesto, we are demonstrating our commitment to employ and integrate people with disabilities, a process we at Groupe PSA have embraced for nearly 20 years. Beyond our social and societal responsibility, we are convinced that the human dimension and diversity in all its components are levers of performance. In this respect, we are creating the conditions for individual and collective success within the company for today and tomorrow,” said Xavier Chereau, Executive Vice President, Human Resources on Thursday, November 13 at the signing of the manifesto with a hundred companies.

Groupe PSA has long been engaged in a proactive policy to include disabled people in the workforce and keep them in their jobs, and has already signed six agreements on the topic with its employee representatives, the first in 2000 and the most recent on February 21, 2017.

  • Four guiding principles: change how people with disabilities are perceived by providing training and raising awareness; integrate and retain disabled employees; recognize disability as a status and provide assistance; and lastly, mobilize stakeholders, in particular, to implement preventative solutions.
  • Concrete action taken: from facility accessibility to job postings, Groupe PSA has taken action to integrate and support employees with disabilities. Having mobilized its teams around the issue, including managers, occupational physicians, HR and trade unions, the Group currently has 4,500[1] employees with disabilities in France. The percentage of disabled employees in the total workforce stands at 7.2%, exceeding the legally required rate of 6%.

Committing to the manifesto further validates Groupe PSA’s approach, especially given that it has already rolled out the majority of the manifesto’s commitments**.

The signing of the manifesto reflects the spirit of European Disability Employment Week, beginning Monday, November 18, and will kick off activities across all Groupe PSA sites.

**The ten commitments:

  1. Offer job observation internships to high school students with disabilities to help them clarify their career objectives and choose the appropriate course of study.
  2. Provide disabled high school and university students with access to the business world, in particular through apprenticeship, work-study and internship opportunities.
  3. Ensure that all candidates with disabilities who have the appropriate profile and skills are interviewed for all open positions.
  4. Carry out internal awareness-building campaigns on a regular basis to combat stereotypes and discrimination against people with disabilities.
  5. Encourage new hires to actively engage with the challenges of disability in the workplace during the onboarding process.
  6. Optimize access to all company resources, in particular digital tools, for people with disabilities.
  7. Include “digital accessibility” in master plan design for information systems and develop digital solutions.
  8. Develop economic relationships with the sheltered employment sector, including companies and organizations that employ people with disabilities and self-employed people with disabilities, with the aim of entrusting them with orders and outsourcing engagements that meet our quality requirements.
  9. Develop ties to the sheltered employment sector, including companies and organizations that employ people with disabilities, in order to integrate people with disabilities into all companies.
  10. Include social criteria regarding disability and inclusiveness in the tender process and the prerequisites for participation in order to get all our partners involved in this inclusive approach.

Media contact: Valérie Gillot – + 33 6 83 92 92 96 –


[1] Automotive Division

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