LEDinside Interviews Velodyne Lidar COO Rick Tewell

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Velodyne Lidar provides smart, powerful lidar solutions for ADAS and autonomy.

rick tewell
Rick Tewell, COO
Velodyne Lidar

Yining Chen of LEDinside wrote a story based on an interview with Velodyne COO Rick Tewell and noted the company’s “lidar system ushers in a new and incredible era of advanced 3D imaging technology in autonomous vehicles.”

Tewell discussed the Velodyne lidar sensor product line including VelaDome and Velarray.

In discussing the Velarray, the article notes Tewell said:

“Velarray can be used in (a) car bumper and windshield of mobility for ADAS as well as AV L4 and L5 and the mass production is slated for 2020.”

To read the complete LEDinside story, please go to: Velodyne Lidar Ushers an Incredible Era for Autonomous Vehicle and Smart City

For Velodyne Lidar products click HERE.

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