99 launches face recognition for 100% of drivers

Technology’s goal is to further enhance the safety of the app’s passengers and drivers

99, the urban transport application that integrates the global company DiDi Chuxing, launched on October 13, 100% of drivers, a facial recognition tool to further enhance the safety of platform races. The system automatically identifies drivers’ faces before they connect to the app.

The technology was developed by engineers and programmers in three countries – Brazil, United States and China – and will be applied periodically to drivers registered in the application. Currently, all drivers have passed identity verification.

In addition to providing more security for passengers on their travels, the novelty also protects the driver’s identity.

The 99 performs the procedure through a partnership with Denatran (National Traffic Department), automatically validating the image collected during face recognition with the photo stored in the agency’s database.

In addition to the periodic, all-driver process, the tool works in conjunction with 99’s artificial intelligence, which can identify driver usage patterns and request additional checks if necessary. Random checks are also performed.

The measure aims to establish redundancy models that give additional protection to users. This means that in addition to the document reviews that the company already performs, another layer of conferencing will be added.

“Passenger and driver safety is our top priority,” says Lívia Pozzi, 99’s safety leader in operations. . ”

How it works:

> Periodically, 99 asks drivers to do facial recognition at any time of the day.

> The driver should put his face in the circle and wait a few seconds while the check is performed.

> If approved, the driver may drive normally. If not, he can rectify the situation by asking for review by the app.

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