Learn all 99 security tools

Safety is a priority for 99 before, during and after races. That’s why the company continually invests in preventive systems, protection tools and humanized care for passengers and drivers. Features include artificial intelligence to map and avoid risks before races; tools such as security cameras and route sharing available along the way; and a 24-hour emergency call center, which if needed offers immediate support.

For us, the safety work is never completed. Leading these efforts is a team of more than 150 technology, engineering, psychology, and public safety experts who work with hundreds of other contributors in Brazil, China, and the United States to bring the most innovative and effective initiatives to the app. 99. Check it out below:

Pre-race prevention

99 anticipates the risks that they will not happen by using cutting-edge technology and user education tools.

Artificial Intelligence – The company has a series of AIs that work together through machine learning to prevent occurrences before they happen. Prior to all races, a few seconds before connection, the algorithms scour risky behavior patterns and can block suspicious passengers or drivers. This is defined by a series of combinations that together indicate risks – such as platform user history, call time and payment method, among others.

Hazardous Area Alert – the application does is hazardous area mapping and sends drivers notifications when the start begins or ends there. The survey is made using internal statistics and external data from the Public Security Offices. These areas are dynamic.

Face Recognition – the company performs periodic face recognition with all drivers before they connect, and invites passengers to verify that the driver’s image matches the driver before and after the call.

Driver Validation – At the moment of registration, the driver is asked for a selfie holding the driver’s license. He also needs to upload photos of his own license and vehicle license. Based on the information, the app checks antecedents and over 40 public sources such as National Arrest Warrant Bank, IRS, and Courts of Justice. In addition, it has a partnership with Denatran, which allows you to access car and driver information – for example, if the car is stolen or has a claim.

Passenger Verification – 99 requests and validates the CPF or bank card for all passengers prior to the first race. It also shows drivers the passenger’s note and frequency, final travel address, and allows the driver to choose whether or not to accept cash payment.

Empowered Drivers – the app provides 100% of drivers with face-to-face meetings and online courses on respect, professionalism and combating topics such as harassment, racism and homophobia. In addition, these educational platforms provide drivers with guidance on safety and how to protect themselves during calls.

Anonymous Phone – To safeguard data and maintain user privacy, both the driver and passenger phone numbers are always hidden in calls made by the app.

Travel protection

The 99 provides innovative tools that protect passengers and drivers while they are in the vehicle.

Security Cameras – The company offers cameras embedded in cars and connected to its Security Center, a team of specialized professionals, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The cameras have an emergency button in case of need.

Route Sharing – The company allows passengers and drivers to send real-time location to relatives and friends. This can be done in one click to trusted contacts registered in the app.

Call Police – The app has a shield on the app’s running screen that allows users to automatically call the 190 if need be.

Call Answering and Reception

99 expects all users to have the best app experience, but provides humanized support if something goes wrong

Security Center – The company has a 24/7 emergency call center that responds promptly if needed and offers assistance with what to do. The phone is 0800-888-8999.

Comment Tracker – is an algorithm that automatically tracks harassment reports left in comments at the end of the race, streamlining the company’s response. Today, 80% of complaints left in the comments are detected by the tool. The technology was developed by 99 in partnership with feminist consultancy Think Eva.

Accident Insurance – All users are protected in their 99 races. From acceptance to completion of races, passengers and drivers are covered by personal accident insurance of up to $ 100,000.

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