SEAT closes 2017 with 185 more employees

2017 was a very positive year for job creation at SEAT. In the past 12 months, the SEAT Group workforce has grown by a total of 185 employees, mainly for the production lines at the Martorell factory and for strategic projects related with car connectivity and the company’s digitisation, as well as for the large SUV which the brand will be launching this year and for the new Audi A1. SEAT also hired 75 young people who started their studies at the Apprentice School, the company’s dual vocational training centre.

Since 2015, SEAT has increased its number of professionals by 470 people. At the end of 2017, the SEAT Group workforce, including the parent company (SEAT, S.A.) and subsidiaries such as SEAT Metropolis:Lab Barcelona or SEAT Sport, has a total of 14,672 direct employees. When adding indirect and induced employment, SEAT generates more than 100,000 jobs in Spain.

According to Vice-President for Human Resources Xavier Ros, “SEAT is one of the country’s largest employers. It is greatly satisfying for everyone to make such a positive assessment of the year with the creation of new job opportunities. In addition to incorporating the necessary resources and talent for developing our business activity, we are also committed to continuous training for all of our workers in order to tackle the challenges of digitisation and Industry 4.0. In collaboration with the majority trade unions and in the framework of the collective bargaining agreement signed in 2016, we will continue to boost our digital transformation to become a company that is more productive, more efficient, and with higher added-value jobs”.

In addition, SEAT has kicked of the year by hiring 150 new employees, who will especially increase the number of workers on the production line of the Ibiza and Arona. As announced by the company last December, the employees joining the SEAT workforce yesterday have an open-ended contract. In order to respond to production growth, SEAT is also going to schedule additional weekend shifts this year, and in the weeks ahead, work will be carried out on Line 2 (SEAT Leon) on Saturday 27 January and on 10 and 17 February.

SEAT Martorell, the factory which produces the most cars in Spain

The SEAT factory in Martorell, the brand’s main car manufacturing facility, increased its vehicle production output by 1.4% in 2017. With a total of 455,470 cars, Martorell again retains its status as leader of the automotive industry in Spain, the second largest vehicle producing country in Europe and eighth largest in the world. Since 2009, output at Martorell has gone up by 51%, and four models are being produced in the Martorell factory at present: Ibiza and Arona (Line 1), Leon (Line 2) and Audi Q3 (Line 3). Lines 1 and 3 both feature three production shifts, while Line 2 has two.

SEAT CommunicationsCristina Vall-LlosadaHead of Corporate Communications T / +34 93 708 53 78  M/ +34 646 295 296

Ezequiel AvilésCorporate CommunicationsT / +34 93 708 59 50M/ +34 646 303